Your treasured items, whether heirloom or not, may be assembled into a quilt. Neckties, nightgowns, clothing, handkerchiefs, t-shirts; just about anything made of fabric. Embroidery could be added, photos can be printed on fabric to add to the story. 

Below are examples of what Nashville Quilt Repair has created.


This is just a sampling of what was in Grandmother Gigi's closet when she passed away in 2015. There were also designer dresses, silk scarves, hostess skirts and colorful suits. The crochet dress had been a tablecloth that Gigi's mother re-worked in the 1930s. Her daughter wanted a crazy quilt using bits of everything.


12 crazy patchwork blocks were created. The panther in the center came from a full-length wool skirt that also had a lion and a leopard. Backed with silk and tied at intervals, each of her 3 daughters received a different lap-sized crazy quilt, about 62 inches square.